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Book Launch Event Huge Success!

Autumn, September 21, 2024. The Year of the Wood Dragon.
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News: Book Release of Volume 2 on 09 October 2021

During the first Dutch Balance Method Conference, Part 2 of Balance Method Acupuncture for the Treatment of Pain and Discomfort was presented.

Pain and especially chronic pain is one of the biggest challenges we face in healthcare today.
Balance Method Acupuncture is a safe and effective method of pain treatment with immediately measurable results.
This book provides new insights into the Balance Method by introducing:
  • The quality levels of Chinese medicine.
  • Treatment principles and treatment methods explained.
  • More image projections to find effective solutions.
  • The Extended Balance Matrix with nine systems.
  • The Clinical Specification Language for simple and clear notation.
  • A new perspective on trigger point treatment.
  • Ordinary points with extraordinary results: the what and why of 138 acupuncture point actions explained.
  • The Balance Method way of using the Qi Jing Ba Mai.
  • Clinical examples of using the Qi Jing Ba Mai.
  • An effective treatment of post-viral lung problems.

As a clinical guide, it will deepen your understanding of Balance Method Acupuncture and enhance your proficiency.
In two volumes with over 550 clear and practical illustrations, this volume once again offers a wealth of clinical experience designed for practitioners who want to expand their horizons with this effective method of acupuncture.

The book is sold out.

News Oct 9, 2021: First Dutch Balance Method Conference a Huge Success!

The first Dutch Balance Method Conference, held on Saturday, October 09, 2021, was a huge success!
Mission: Give people with chronic pain their lives back - safe, affordable and easy.

More than 150 digital participants were directed to the special studio. Here several announcements and surprises awaited them.
Read more…

News: Book Release 10.10.2020 Huge Success

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We are happy to announce the first book by Kris Oosting. Within a few days after the book presentation, via live streaming for about 300 participants on 10.10.2020, the book is almost sold out.

Title: Balance Method Acupuncture for the Treatment of Pain and Discomfort
Subtitle: Research & Clinical Application
Pages: 416.
Illustrations: over 400.
Color: Full Color.
Binding: Paperback Otabind.

Pain and especially chronic pain is one of the greatest challenges we currently face in healthcare. Balance Method Acupuncture is a safe and effective method of pain treatment and improves the quality of life. This book provides new insights into Balance Method Acupuncture by introducing:

  • Balance Networks: the different ways in which meridians form a communication network. It contains twelve Indirect Balance Networks, Indirect Balance Matrices, Chinese Organ Clock Balance Network and Six Channels Balance Network.
  • Global Balance Structures: a different explanation by Main Structures, Exterior-Interior Structures, Same Polarity Structures and Six Channels Structures with a cyclic interrelationship.
  • Hidden Global Balance Structures: these are the structures explaining the balance behind the Global Balance Structures and Perfect Global Balance Structures.
  • 24 Perfect Global Balance Structures: Six Meridian Structures creating perfect balance.
  • Analysis of Dr. Tan’s Four and Eight Magical Meridian Structures.

As a Clinical Guide, it will deepen your understanding of Balance Method Acupuncture and enhance your ability for its application. With over 400 clear and practical illustrations this book provides you with a wealth of clinical experience, intended for practitioners seeking to broaden their horizons with this effective method of acupuncture.

This book is sold out.

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Under the banner The Way to Perfect Balance we hope to inspire and to assist you during your transformation. To enable you to further improve your current clinical practice. To achieve perfect balance for your patients.

Since 2016 we have done this in the Netherlands and have trained more than 850 acupuncturists in the art and science of Tan Balance Method Acupuncture. Not only the how, but also the profound why and when.
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In The Analects, Book 7, line 7.8: The Master (Confucius) said:
“… If I hold up one corner and a person cannot come back to me with the other three, I do not continue the lesson.”
This is what motivated us to look deeper and deeper. To look for the why is this and why is that in the root of TCM, namely Classical Chinese Medicine.

The Way to Perfect Balance is a path we follow on our way to the end goal of perfect balance. We may never reach it. However, on our way we learn and learn … and enjoy!

After many years of thinking, doing research, and practicing, it is time to share our knowledge, to inspire others, and to let you improve your current skills.
You can expect courses, webinars, forum, articles and books.

With balancing regards,
Kris Oosting
International Lecturer, Practitioner, Researcher, and Author.
飲水思源 yǐn shuǐ sī yuán. “When drinking water, remember its source.” I am grateful to my teachers dr. R. Tan and the Si Yuan Balance Method Acupuncture (Delphine and Paul) for sharing their knowledge and experience with the world.

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